The Laboratory of Doubt / Seven Months of Cross-disciplinary Experiments is driven by an idiosyncratic and dialoguing “band apart”: a scientist, an architect, two artists, and one writer. In the Laboratory of Doubt, everything should be different from what it could be, and everything will have to be challenged – everything except the ability to raise new questions.
In the evening, before falling asleep, we thought about a new type of art space. But then, at night, all the things we dreamt were antidotes, capable of embedding an amethyst of uncertainties into the forehead of certainties: a laboratory of doubt, to use the expression applied by Carsten Höller as the title of splendid work. Cultivating doubt today means granting expression to the production of the most intelligible meaning, instead of the production of the most profitable sign.
The Laboratory of Doubt is a timed experience, situated in a co-working space, not coincidentally near Casa Jasmina, and the Italian headquarters of Arduino: the new productive heart of Turin.
The laboratory of doubt is a space marked by time: seven months, seven projects by artists, accompanied by writers, authors, scientists, musicians and scholars who will compose dialectical texts around the meaning and weight and pertinence of the works: exhibitions, open studios, lectures, dialogues, concerts.
The Laboratory of Doubt is a generator of very human relations, a multiplier of actions capable of responding: the rather injudicious crossing between a residency and a salon, in which the invited artists can work, install, interact with visitors and the unavowable community of all those who will want to understand and discuss: an accessible and unprotected “gallery,” in the theatrical sense of the term.
(Sara Enrico – Ruben Levi – Marco Rainò – Gianluigi Ricuperati – Elisa Sighicelli)
February – November 2016
I. Sara Enrico, Nicola Ratti, Vincenzo Latronico
II. Paola Anzichè, Sandro Caranzano, Francesca Picchi
III. Giovanni Oberti, Daniele Cremaschi, Andrea Giansanti (Oniride), Keti Shehu
IV. Sofia Silva, Kate Hiley
V. Giulia Cenci, Marco Mazzoni, Valerio Del Baglivo
VI. Cristian Chironi, Giangavino Pazzola, Marco Rainò, CAMPO (Gianfranco Bombaci, Matteo Costanzo, Luca Garofalo, Davide Sacconi)
VII. Gianluigi Ricuperati, Apparatus 22, Riccardo Beretta, Margot Bowman, Guglielmo Castelli, Stefania Fersini, Corinna Gosmaro, Luca Trevisani.
Contributi speciali di: Ruben Levi, Elisa Sighicelli, Caterina Filippini, Lidyia Libermann, Maria S. Giudici (Black Square), Alex Maymind, Amid.Cero9, Aristide Antonas, Behemoth, Dogma, Didier Fiuza Faustino, FORA + Beth Hughes, Map Office, Microcities, Miniatura, Philippe Morel, Raumlabor, Lukas Akinkugbe, Roberto Boettger, Hunter Doyle, Gerta Heqimi, Marta Kruger, Antonio Laruffa, Stefano Madezzi, Claudia Mainardi, Davide Matteazzi, Moad Musbahi, Angelica Palumbo, Sofia Pia Belenky, Lera Samovich, Adriano Tasso Marco Liana, Antonio Ottomanelli, Superstudio, Gabriele Mastrigli, Didier Fiuza Faustino, Fala Atelier, Lukas Feireiss, Pier Paolo Tamburelli, Fosbury Architecture, Ganko, Jacopo Laura, Paolo Oliva, Francesca Pagliaro, Pietro Salamone, Cecilia Tramontano, Mariabruna Fabrizi (Socks studio/Microcities), Fosco Lucarelli (Socks studio/Microcities), 2TR, Aldo Aymonino, BAN Baglivo Negrini Architetti, Franco Purini / Laura Thermes, GRAU, Labics, ma0, stARTT, TSPOON, ULTRA Architettura, Domitilla Dardi, Walter Nicolino, Barbara Brondi (BRH+), Ambra Pittoni e Paul-Flavien Enriquez- Sarano, Paolo Inverni, Davide Daninos.
Ed ancora Giulia Morucchio, Mario Ciaramitaro, Daniele Zoico, Riccardo Giacconi (Blauer Hase) insieme a CLOG (Lucrezia Calabrò Visconti e Cosimo Piga) per il progetto Helicotrema Torino.